Heal Individuals,

Revitalize Your Organization

Clear Minds, Renewed Purpose, Stronger Teams.

Traumatic Memory Resolution

For Organizations

Dealing with Painful Memories

Has your organization experienced a severe traumatic event? And you want to effectively deal with the traumatic memories people have in your organization? Are they ready for effective emotional and mental restoration?

Are you part of an organization that has been struck by a traumatic event? Has this event impacted a particular department, office, or branch where individuals report experiencing distressing memories and emotional turmoil? Acknowledging the existence of this individual and collective pain is a first important step. We understand the seemingly insurmountable challenge you face – to offer appropriate, effective emotional support to those touched by trauma. Furthermore, we recognize your intrinsic desire to solve this issue, not just for the overall well-being of the individuals involved and their close circle of colleagues and managers, but also for the overall well-being and effective functioning of the entire organization.

Traumatic Memory Resolution for Organizations

The Traumatic Memory Resolution (TMR) Program is here to empower all individuals involved, and eventually the organization. At its core, the program coaches your team to effectively handle and dissolve the emotional, physiological effects of traumatic events. Mentally, TMR is meticulously designed to consciously help participants process disturbing, painful, distressing and traumatic memories. TMR is a powerful coaching tool which will deliver what it promises : the effective resolution of traumatic memories so the participant can feel relief without being retraumatized or having to relive the traumatic events over and over. The participant will feel the inner emotional and mental turmoil dissolve and be able to experience a clear mind.

Heal Individuals, Revitalize Your Organization

The TMR journey is a structured, painfree, fast, effective journey guiding the participant in a conscious way towards relief. This coaching process combines diverse training and healing modalities, meticulously researched and experienced by Pascal Renders, to purposefully help the participant(s) move past the trauma. Your participants remain fully aware and conscious at all times, eliminating the need for painful recollection and endless discussions about the traumatic events.

The TMR Program not only heals individuals but also revitalizes organizations. Knowing the traumatic memories have been resolved, communication about the events is no longer a taboo leading to a stronger environment of understanding, paving the way to enhanced solidarity which in turn will nurture the personal transformations as well as the collective learning of the entire organization.


Pascal, TMR expert, experienced a traumatic event that would change the course of his life. Not only did he fully heal from the PTS and traumatic memories, but he also trained with several teachers across the globe in order to be fully equipped to help others heal their trauma as well. That’s his calling, his devotion and service to his fellow humans today. He wants all trauma survivors to experience the benefits of the TMR process the way he did. With Alexandra they co-founded United Inner States of Freedom Inc, a non-profit organization, intending to bring healing and inner freedom to everyone who wants, and needs it.

From Trauma to Teamwork

The effects of this program don’t stop at the individual level. Having collectively dealt with trauma will give your organization an incredible felt sense of resilience, connection, and purpose.

Download the TMR Brochure Here

With the TMR Program, your organization will no longer need to merely cope with the effects of trauma. You will not have to incessantly talk about the traumatic events in the hope that individuals will eventually feel better. You will no longer have to be afraid doing or saying the wrong things to the individuals involved out of fear of causing them to suffer even more. You won’t have to feel like a powerless witness to the effects of traumatic events, and trying strategies that don’t bring the results you are hoping for.

Christine Fully Recovered from PTS. Here’s her testimonial!

Christine has suffered from painful memories for 7 years after organizational cutbacks at a former employer.

The effects of traumatic events are real, even the traumatic events that happen in the work place. Listen to how Christine solved her PTS after a traumatic break-up with a former employer.


Melanie got assaulted and robbed, and finally recovered from her PTS with TMR. Here’s her testimonial!

Melanie experienced high anxiety and hyper alertness after having experienced an assault on one of her travels abroad.

With TMR she fully recovered from the post traumatic effects.

I definitely feel more in alignment with my true self, and I am feeling happier!   I am feeling more centered, grounded, and in control.  I no longer view my former employer as the enemy, I can now look back at the events and not take it personally.  I feel stronger and better able to look at things objectively…yes, $hit is going to happen in life, but that doesn’t mean it has to be damaging.  I feel that I can take change in stride and know that I am going to be okay because nobody can take me down unless I allow them to!!   Wow – having power feels good!!  Thank you for bringing me back to center…although I’m not sure I have ever been here before!! 



Our Pricing Plan

We believe in value for your investment, our prices reflect the quality and depth of our services and extensive life-long training and ongoing education.

Traumatic Memory Resolution for Organizations

Please contact us for a custom made quotation.

Helping Your Team Heal As An Act of Corporate Kindness

Ultimately, the TMR program helps resolve traumatic memories in a definitive manner. As an organization being able and willing to offer this valuable help to team members is according to us an unmistakable act of corporate or organizational kindness that will have positive ripple effects for a long time. As individuals are allowed to heal and grow, so will the organization heal and grow. A corporate act of kindness will never go unnoticed in the collective mind of the organization!

Pascal Renders

TMR-Expert Practitioner

About Your Guide

Pascal Renders, a native from Belgium, was trained as a transpersonal psychotherapist in Belgium and specialized in systemic coaching and family constellations work. He trained in many coaching modalities and also obtained two Master’s degrees, one in linguistics, and one in Executive Business Administration. Over the years, he gained notoriety with his coaching work within the European community of leaders and leading business families. He was one of the pioneers of organizational systemic constellation work in Belgium. Over the past 17 years he has coached hundreds of executives and teams with great enthusiasm and success!

After having experienced a traumatic event that would change the course of his life and career, he discovered that none of his prior education were helping him to heal from the Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) he suffered. Nor did the professional help he sought out appear to be effective and permanently helpful.

With the help of his wife Alexandra they found a powerful practitioner who helped him overcome the PTS symptoms in a matter of hours. This healing process pushed Pascal to not only train in this modality, but also do more research around the topic of “traumatic memory” leading to putting together the best of his findings and in-depth education into TMR. Equipped with his own healing experience and proper training, Pascal’s ambition is to have a maximum of people benefit from this unique process and heal too !

Offer Immediate Support To Team Members

Who Suffer From Post Traumatic Effects

And Help Dissolve Traumatic Memories

Fast And Effectively

Offer Immediate Support To Team Members

Who Suffer From Post Traumatic Effects

And Help Dissolve Traumatic Memories

Fast And Effectively

Take the Next Step

Ready to take the first step towards healing and resilience? Contact us for a complimentary consultation to see if TMR is the right fit for your team.


TMR (Traumatic Memory Resolution) is NOT psychotherapy, nor counseling. TMR is a philosophical and educational coaching approach, not psychological, to improving well-being.

It is a coaching process teaching you to successfully deal with painful traumatic memories. The term coaching as mentioned, does not refer to psychological state licensed professional, psychiatric, or clinical medical advice.

There is no diagnosis established and your health insurance will NOT cover your meetings/coaching sessions.

If you choose to discuss your personal issue and commit to doing TMR, you are responsible for your own well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers to help you understand our TMR (Traumatic Memory Resolution) program and how it can benefit you.

What exactly is the Traumatic Memory Resolution (TMR) Program, and how does it work?

The TMR Program is a specialized coaching process designed to help individuals and organizations effectively address and resolve the emotional impact of traumatic events. Through a combination of different coaching modalities, participants are guided to navigate through their traumatic memories in a safe and conscious manner, ultimately fostering personal transformation, effective processing of the memories, and mental-emotional healing.

Is the TMR Program suitable for individuals who have experienced various types of trauma, or is it focused on specific types of traumatic events?

The TMR Program is designed to address a wide range of traumatic experiences, including but not limited to accidents, natural disasters, calamities, acts of violence, assaults, terrorist attacks,… Our approach is holistic and adaptable, allowing us to tailor the program to meet the unique needs and experiences of each participant, regardless of the nature of their trauma.

How long does it typically take to complete the TMR Program, and what can participants expect during the process?

The duration of the TMR Program can vary depending on the individual’s needs and the severity of their trauma. Our coaching process is designed to be flexible and personalized, allowing participants to progress at their own pace. Throughout the program, participants can expect to engage in a combination of coaching modalities and techniques aimed at resolving traumatic memories and promoting emotional restoration. Healing results are reported very rapidly, usually after one to three sessions on average.

Can the TMR Program be implemented remotely, or does it require in-person participation?

While the TMR Program is primarily designed for in-person participation to ensure a safe and supportive environment for healing, we also offer remote coaching options for individuals who are unable to attend sessions in person. Our remote coaching sessions are conducted via video conferencing platforms, allowing participants to access the program from the comfort of their own homes or workplaces.

Additional Questions and Answers

1. Can trauma be healed?

Many people and clients I have worked with initially share the same question : “Can my trauma truly be healed? Because everybody tells me it can’t or will be virtually impossible?”

There is almost a collective belief that once we have experienced a traumatic event, we can never truly heal. That has not been my experience. Here’s what I deeply believe: yes it can be healed!

2. Will healing my trauma be a painful experience?

Another common believe we have discovered with clients is that of “I must feel the pain some more in order to get better”. With TMR you do not have te relive the old pain in order to get better. It’s quite the contrary! It’s time to stop reliving the pain and be free from it for good!

3. Will you ask me to relive the feelings of the trauma in order to heal?

The TMR process does not require you to relive the feelings of the trauma in order to heal. It is highly effective and you do NOT have to go through all the motions of the past events in order to experience the benefits!

4. Will I have to talk extensively about the traumatic events in order to heal?

There seems to be, according to us, a great misconception around the healing nature of talking when it comes to traumatic memory. While very beneficial for other topics and issues, talking is not the end solution for traumatic memory. What is truly needed is a clearing of the inner turmoil associated with the traumatic memories. Talking can’t do that. TMR takes care of it.

5. I have been told trauma healing takes years without guarantee of healing. What do you think?

It is true that healing and growth goes in layers and has many facets.
It is also a given that TMR takes care of the one thing that is most disturbing to anyone having survived traumatic events and suffers from traumatic memory, and that is : the inner turmoil and upset associated with the traumatic, painful memories.

6. They have told me trauma is a brain-body issue and hard to heal?

Trauma can be healed when you understand that the original wound originated in the mind with of course effects on body, brain and emotions…

TMR is a process that helps the mind restore and heal the initial wound so that brain, body and emotions can rebalance as well, the one thing all survivors of traumatic events deeply long for.

7. Is there something wrong with me that I don’t seem to be able to get over the trauma?

There is nothing wrong with you nor your mind! You just struggle with the symptoms and effects of having survived traumatic events. That can be solved with the TMR Process. It helps your mind heal and restore, and process the traumatic memories once and for all.

8. I feel the trauma has destroyed my life. How does TMR help with that?

Surviving a traumatic event and then not receiving the proper healing can affect people deeply leading to feelings of helplessness, and possibly hopelessness. Since they continue to experience inner turmoil and don’t seem to be able to access feelings of relief, peace, and joy, the conclusion that many people come to is : “My life is destroyed.”

For the courageous ones willing to find a way out there is hope: Try the TMR Process and experience the relief you have been longing for!

9. I feel the trauma has left an indelible mark on me as if I am soiled and bruised. How does TMR help with that?

I know it is hard to believe when you haven’t had the experience, and yet I am here to say that your mind can be cleared of all the impressions and inner turmoil that came with experiencing that traumatic event. That’s the purpose and intention of TMR.

10.  Will I ever be able to get past this trauma stuckness and experience joy again?

Yes you can! I am a living witness to the power of healing that is available for trauma survivors!

If you can get to the point of agreeing with yourself that it is OK to feel OK no matter what happened in the past, then TMR will work wonders for you, just as it has for me.

That’s what I want for any trauma survivor: to get the healing I received and move on in life empowered with experience and the felt sense of deep healing.