Executive Coaching for Visionary Leaders


Elevate Your Leadership

Magnify Your Impact

Turn your aspirations into reality. Lead with unwavering purpose. Foster genuine connection. Create lasting change. It’s time to unlock your full potential and step into the leader you were born to be. Do it now. For yourself. And for all of us.

Individual Executive Coaching

Take Heart!

Are you a heartfelt, conscious and empathetic leader desiring to manifest positive impact and changes in your business, organization and all the people involved? Do you feel you have a mission and want to integrate your life’s mission into your business and professional life? You know you want to contribute to the world in a heartfelt, conscious, responsible way in your field of expertise through your business, company or organization? And you don’t know exactly how? What if you could unlock massive growth and progress through personalized executive coaching.

Have you, as an empathetic and conscious leader, become aware of your own specific talent, power and ambition in the world ? And you would like to use your leadership power for the greater good ? Taking time to reflect, reconsider, and get clear on what is needed to boost your progress as a leader will help you make the difference that you want to see in the world.

You are not alone. Many executives and leaders face a myriad of challenges, many of which sooner or later trigger some deeper, personal issues within. Facing both the external challenges as well the challenges of the deeper self is what makes true leaders stand out : the desire to be a leader who is curious to “Know Thyself” and to lead others as well as their organization with a sense of service and deep compassion because he or she has come to the final conclusion and understanding that “We are not alone. We are in fact all one.

Nothing is impossible for the leader who has set his or her mind in motion towards a goal of greater good. Fueled by a strong desire for understanding and improvement, you can transform any roadblock into a stepping stone for tremendous growth.



Have you, as an empathetic and conscious leader, become aware of your own specific talent, power and ambition in the world ? And you would like to use your leadership power for the greater good ? Taking time to reflect, reconsider, and get clear on what is needed to boost your progress as a leader will help you make the difference that you want to see in the world.

You are not alone. Many executives and leaders face a myriad of challenges, many of which sooner or later trigger some deeper, personal issues within. Facing both the external challenges as well the challenges of the deeper self is what makes true leaders stand out : the desire to be a leader who is curious to “Know Thyself” and to lead others as well as their organization with a sense of service and deep compassion because he or she has come to the final conclusion and understanding that “We are not alone. We are in fact all one.

Nothing is impossible for the leader who has set his or her mind in motion towards a goal of greater good. Fueled by a strong desire for understanding and improvement, you can transform any roadblock into a stepping stone for tremendous growth.



Unleash Your Leadership Potential

Our one-on-one executive coaching sessions are designed to empower you, not just at a professional level, but also at a fundamental human level by meeting you emotionally, mentally, psychologically, spiritually.

Firstly, when addressing your leadership challenges, we encourage you to face your blocks and explore the resources needed to overcome them, providing you with potent strategies that you can deploy effectively.

Secondly, we guide you to heal team and relationship issues, which not only aids in the cohesion of your team but also helps you build trust and more robust relationships, both professionally and personally.

Finally, we help you to get clear about your path forward. Dreaming and envisioning your future is a first step into creating it. With our specific and powerful coaching tools we will help you turn your dreams into plans, and your plans into a felt reality.

Our one-on-one executive coaching sessions are designed to empower you, not just at a professional level, but also at a fundamental human level by meeting you emotionally, mentally, psychologically, spiritually.

Firstly, when addressing your leadership challenges, we encourage you to face your blocks and explore the resources needed to overcome them, providing you with potent strategies that you can deploy effectively.

Secondly, we guide you to heal team and relationship issues, which not only aids in the cohesion of your team but also helps you build trust and more robust relationships, both professionally and personally.

Finally, we help you to get clear about your path forward. Dreaming and envisioning your future is a first step into creating it. With our specific and powerful coaching tools we will help you turn your dreams into plans, and your plans into a felt reality.

The Coaching Journey

Through our coaching sessions, you will experience a supportive and powerful partnership with Pascal, our senior expert in Executive Coaching and Leadership Development. Under his expert guidance, you will navigate your challenges effectively, and rapidly due to his exclusive coaching tools that guarantee results.

Embracing our coaching sessions will generate the impactful transformation you desire – uncovering your full potential. This metamorphosis extends beyond the obvious business or career growth; it’s a holistic transformation leading to personal fulfillment and success.


Embrace Positive Change

Your transformation will ripple through every dimension of your life – shaping healthier interactions within your family, enhancing your contribution at work, and creating a more positive impact within your community, and last but not least you will have a clear mind, a clear perspective and plan of how to be the inspiring leader of change you want to be in the world.

Embrace Positive Change

Your transformation will ripple through every dimension of your life – shaping healthier interactions within your family, enhancing your contribution at work, and creating a more positive impact within your community, and last but not least you will have a clear mind, a clear perspective and plan of how to be the inspiring leader of change you want to be in the world.

“I had the chance to have Pascal coach me over the last few months on what l initially intended to be a pragmatic and rational reflection on my career and where I wanted to take it next. I have to say that it turned out to be much more than that, as Pascal helped me go deep inside myself to seek for my profound aspirations and take steps in that direction. He impressed me with his ability to bring me to unlock new paradigms at nearly every session that we had together. By the end, I have identified a clear and sustainable ambition for myself. I can only thank Pascal for the “accelerated personal development* that he has enabled and recommend his services to anyone at a cross-roads in their career/life.” 


Entrepreneur, Europe

“In the hands of a high vibration coach, be prepared to transform all aspects of you, including your work/mission, your inner landscape, and your presence in the world.

This is the work of Pascal Renders. There is no single phrase to properly describe our experience with Pascal as our leadership, empowerment, and business coach, but I conclude with three words: a true blessing.

With your willingness to go where he guides you, he will awaken your deeper truths, uncover your blocks, and help you reach your highest potential with absolute confidence.

With the combination of his extreme emotional and mental intelligence, intuition, responsiveness, and compassion, my team and I transformed not only ourselves but our work from above average to unlimited potential. We feel this, we embody this now. It has created a cohesive, loving, and singular focus – a oneness of purpose. Our mission, vision and strategic choices are clear now thanks to Pascal guidance and coaching.”


Private Investment Company, USA

“Pascal is one of the best coaches I met. We have had the chance to collaborate on different clients and topics. Besides his excellent professional know-how, he has this specific talent to help people connect heart and brain. He creates emotions and transforms those emotions into actions. I strongly recommend Pascal especially if you want to develop a “meaningful” company…”


Business Leader, Europe

Break Through Barriers.

Unlock Your Potential.

Join our program, and be ready to move mountains. Become the leader you want to see in the world.


Join our program, and be ready to move mountains. Become the leader you want to see in the world.


Our Pricing Plan

We believe in value for your investment, our prices reflect the quality and depth of our services and extensive life-long training and ongoing education.

Individual Executive Coaching Session

Includes one ninety-minute session.


Individual Executive Coaching Package

Includes five ninety-minute sessions.


Save $475 (12%)

Victory Within, Success Without.

Through our executive coaching, you will unlock not just professional growth, but the ultimate power to see and transform any obstacle into an opportunity for learning and growing.

Victory Within, Success Without.

Through our executive coaching, you will unlock not just professional growth, but the ultimate power to see and transform any obstacle into an opportunity for learning and growing.

Pascal Renders

Senior Executive Coach

About your Guide

Pascal L. Renders is a beacon of inspiration in the realm of Executive Coaching and Leadership Development. With a wealth of expertise spanning corporate culture projects, leadership development programs, management development training, individual and team executive coaching, strategy mapping, facilitation of systemic organizational constellations, Executive Board coaching, Family Office coaching, and HNWI coaching, Pascal has dedicated more than 18 years of his life to guiding leaders in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Sweden, and the USA towards success and transformation.

Trained in prestigious institutes across Europe and the United States, Pascal’s journey of exploration and learning has been relentless. His certifications range from Executive Master of Business Administration (Antwerp Management School) to Master in Linguistics, to Certified Business and Management Coach at ECA, Dusseldorf. He was also trained in many coaching modalities amongst which the destination coaching method. Furthermore, he has a background in transpersonal psychotherapy and family constellations work. Through his pioneering work in systemic constellations at the service of corporations as well as body-oriented coaching techniques, Pascal has developed unparalleled techniques to address the complex interplay of the leader’s mind, body, and soul.

With compassion and empathy, and yet enormous drive, at the core of his practice, Pascal offers a sanctuary for leaders seeking true progress. His Executive Coaching Sessions provide a safe space for exploring leadership goals and aspirations, bearing in mind that he possesses the necessary skills to dive in and address deep rooted issues. Pascal has coached hundreds of leaders and teams in the past 15 years. Test his skills. You will not be disappointed.

For Pascal, coaching is not just a profession—it’s a sacred calling. With each session, he honors the journey of his clients, offering support and growth as they navigate the path towards solutions and success.

Executive Master of Business Administration (Antwerp Management School, Belgium)

Master of Translation English-Spanish-Dutch (KULeuven Campus Brussel, Brussels, Belgium)

Systemic Coach (Metaforum International, Germany)

Business & Management Coach (European Coaching Association, Germany)

ECA Accredited Coach (European Coaching Association, Germany)

ICI Accredited Coach (International Association of Coaching Institutes, Germany)

Accredited Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI) Practitioner (Hay Group)

HeartMath Certified Practitioner (HeartMath, The Netherlands)

Accredited Insights Discovery Facilitator (Insights, Belgium)

NLP Practitioner & Master (Instituut voor Psychodynamica, Belgium)

NLP Coach (Telos, USA)

Destination Method Coach (Telos, USA)

Structural & Systemic Organizational Constellations Facilitator (Kernkracht & Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

Family Constellations Facilitator (De Gulden Snede, Belgium)

Transpersonal Psychotherapy (OpleidingsInstituut voor Transpersoonlijke Psychotherapie, Belgium)

Trauma Resolution – Body Oriented Trauma Healing (Aptitude Academy, Germany)

Complex Trauma Training (Human Givens College, United Kingdom)

Birth into Being Method Facilitator (Elena Vladimirova, California-Germany)

Become the leader of change you want to see in the world today!

Become the leader of change you want to see in the world today!

Begin Your Journey Today

Your new life is just a phone call away. Reach out to our team for your free 15-minute initial consultation and take the first steps…

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers to help you understand our Individual Executive Coaching offerings and how they can benefit you.

What can I expect from the coaching sessions?

Our Executive Coaching sessions are designed to provide deep, profound solutions by addressing your issues directly and purposefully. We trust that you already have all the necessary resources within. It is our intention to help you uncover your full potential. We honor where you are and trust that you will address what has meaning and purpose for you. It is our responsibility as coaches to take you to your destination. Once we are both clear on what that destination is, we can put all our knowledge, expertise and skill set at the service of your goals. We intend to empower you to reach your destination, while we also intend the journey to be fun and fulfilling on a deep, personal level.

How long are the coaching sessions?

Each coaching session is 90 minutes long, allowing us ample time to address your issues directly and purposefully.

What is included in the complimentary initial 15-minute call?

The complimentary call is an opportunity for us to briefly discuss your needs and goals, and for you to determine if our result-oriented approach aligns with what you’re looking for in a coaching program, and ultimately also for us to determine if our type of work can be of significant value to you.