Come Home

To All of You

Embrace Your True Potential and Live Your Best Life ever!


Come Home

To All of You

Embrace Your True Potential and Live Your Best Life ever!

Coming Home

A Transformational Two and a Half Day Retreat

Feeling stuck?

Recognizing this struggle, the longing for clarity amidst the confusion, is the first step, and we salute your courage in doing so. It’s not easy to navigate the deep-seated issues, the blocks, that prevent you from experiencing joy, peace, and fulfillment.

Do you still experience cycles of pain, confusion, frustration or self-doubt? Feeling there is more for you, yet, you are uncertain how to get what you want?  We get it. Life can be overwhelming sometimes, especially with many unanswered questions – about your life, your choices, your true purpose. It’s tough sorting through these crucial questions and issues

The Healing You Deserve

Luckily, we all carry a natural inclination inside us – the desire to, no matter what happened to us, achieve what we long for even if we don’t know exactly how. That’s where we come in.

The Healing You Deserve

Luckily, we all carry a natural inclination inside us – the desire to, no matter what happened to us, achieve what we long for even if we don’t know exactly how. That’s where we come in.

Our Intensive 2.5 Day Retreat

“COMING HOME”, offers the perfect supportive environment to embolden you – emotionally, psychologically, and personally. Armed with the powerful tools of life coaching, breathwork, and other innovative modalities, this unique program reinvigorates your life journey, aiding your personal growth.

Unlock your potential to address relational, emotional, or mental challenges and embrace the freedom to be your true self. Whether you yearn for self-discovery or a deeper connection in your life, our retreat provides a special blueprint tailored for your specific needs.

“COMING HOME” has been meticulously designed for you. Our approach employs a multi-dimensional strategy – incorporating life coaching, breathwork, NLP, process work, channelings, sound, multivibrational healing, and systemic constellations work. It’s a beautiful blend of modern techniques and spiritual wisdom, aimed at propelling you towards a path of self-realization and authenticity


Embrace Positive Change

With this unique program, you’ll embark on a journey of transformation and self-discovery. This retreat will help you unearth your innate richness, and confront the issues holding back your true potential. It’s all about creating a profound shift within, converting the blocks into gifts of wholeness, and igniting a newfound sense of self, brimming full with inner peace, freedom, calm, and lightness. 

Implementing what you gain from this program doesn’t stop at the confines of the retreat. Expect ripple effects as your personal transformation positively impacts your family, work, and community. Freedom comes from deeply knowing oneself, and that’s the valuable gift you’ll be sharing with the world around you.

With this unique program, you’ll embark on a journey of transformation and self-discovery. This retreat will help you unearth your innate richness, and confront the issues holding back your true potential. It’s all about creating a profound shift within, converting the blocks into gifts of wholeness, and igniting a newfound sense of self, brimming full with inner peace, freedom, calm, and lightness. 

Implementing what you gain from this program doesn’t stop at the confines of the retreat. Expect ripple effects as your personal transformation positively impacts your family, work, and community. Freedom comes from deeply knowing oneself, and that’s the valuable gift you’ll be sharing with the world around you.

“I feel you really helped me to crystallize what my goals are for my future and what obstacles are standing in the way of my achieving them. I was very impressed with your knowledge on how people react in certain situations and then the compassion and firmness you held them while holding up the mirror. You both obviously love doing this and the synergy and love you have with each other is infectious. The impact of this retreat will be with me the rest of my life. Thank you. ” (Gary, California, USA 75 years old)

Gary G.

California, USA, 75 years old

“The benefits I have experienced from the retreat are a sense of calm as well as a better connection and understanding of myself.” (Melissa, Connecticut, USA, 42 years old)

Melissa C.

Connecticut, USA, 42 years old

“ It was so helpful in opening me up to my stuck places – I knew some, and some were discoveries.  I have a clarity now in my patterns and ways to shift into new ways of doing/living my life. There was learning and healing that came from the collective that I never could have imagined.  I think it delivered more than promised. I feel it exceeded my expectations.  There was so much care and support. ” (Jennifer, New York, USA, 45 years old)

Jennifer F.

New York, USA, 45 years old

“After the retreat, for about two weeks, I felt absolutely  incredible in both my mind and body. Decisions were easy to make, I didn’t get frustrated about a thing, I felt like a goddess thriving happily through life. Now, I look within and really allow myself to follow the flow, follow the thoughts and emotions,  and regain my strength and alignment on my own in a matter of hours or days. So truly, I feel that I “came home”  to myself through this retreat. I would recommend the retreat to anyone determined to heal, as I think it would help anyone on a healing journey. It is certainly not for anyone. If you are not able to be honest with yourself on how you feel, it could be hard to heal and find the benefits of this work.”


Massachusetts, USA

Freedom from the Past

Once you’ve unpacked your emotional luggage at our retreat, you no longer have to shoulder the burden of unresolved feelings and the uncertainties that come with them. They will no longer have any place in your life.

Freedom from the Past

Once you’ve unpacked your emotional luggage at our retreat, you no longer have to shoulder the burden of unresolved feelings and the uncertainties that come with them. They will no longer have any place in your life.

Life Is Calling You. Just Say ‘YES’!

It’s time to COME HOME to all of you ; your desires, your longing, your pain, your heart, your power, your joy!

Say ‘YES’ to healing and feeling whole again!

Get started on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment now.

Our Pricing Plan

We believe in value for your investment. This package offers a substantial temporary discount allowing all motivated individuals ready to embrace their own healing and transformation to participate.

Coming Home - Intensive Retreat

This program includes a two and half day retreat.

$995USD / person

Coming Home - Intensive Retreat

This program includes a two and half day retreat.

$995USD / person

Lasting Peace and Transformation

In the end, you’ll emerge as a person who’s deeply attuned to their inner being, with a clear mind and with a clear felt sense of purpose that will make any new transformation feel very possible. 

Lasting Peace and Transformation

In the end, you’ll emerge as a person who’s deeply attuned to their inner being, with a clear mind and with a clear felt sense of purpose that will make any new transformation feel very possible. 

Embrace Your Healing Journey with Alexandra and Pascal

Alexandra and Pascal are passionate about helping you find inner freedom. They firmly believe that every person does not only have the inherent right but also the innate capacity to experience joy, peace, love, and freedom. This is not just their belief, but their mission.

Through Alexandra’s intuitive healing and channeling, she illuminates your inner blocks and struggles. Pascal then leads you through a transformative healing process, helping you release these blocks and embrace the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Pascal Renders

Pascal Renders is a life transformation coach with an exceptional talent for guiding you through the healing of traumatic memories, grief, anxiety, emotional blocks, and anything else that may be holding you back. His senior expertise and deep devotion to healing helps you reclaim your freedom and live the life you’ve always desired.

Lydia Alexandra Renders

Meet Lydia-Alexandra Renders, a multi-vibrational healer, gifted medium, and intuitive channel. WIth her extraordinary abilities of intuitive reading and channeling she can help reveal the hidden patterns and limitations that prevent you from stepping into your true power and experiencing life’s fullness.

Both of their talents combined pave the golden path to your inner healing in a unique, unexpected, effective and fast way.


Alexandra and Pascal are passionate about helping you find inner freedom. They firmly believe that every person has the inherent right to experience joy, peace, love, and freedom. This is not just their belief, but their mission.

Through Alexandra’s intuitive healing and channeling, she illuminates your inner blocks and struggles. Pascal then leads you through a transformative healing process, helping you release these blocks and embrace the life you’ve always dreamed of.


Alexandra and Pascal are passionate about helping you find inner freedom. They firmly believe that every person has the inherent right to experience joy, peace, love, and freedom. This is not just their belief, but their mission.

Through Alexandra’s intuitive healing and channeling, she illuminates your inner blocks and struggles. Pascal then leads you through a transformative healing process, helping you release these blocks and embrace the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Take the First Step Towards Your New Life

Your new life is just a phone call away. Reach out to our team for your free 15-minute initial consultation and take the first step towards lasting peace and inner freedom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers to help you understand our Life Transformation Coaching Session and how it can benefit you.

Who is the "COMING HOME" retreat suitable for?

The “COMING HOME” retreat is suitable for anyone who feels stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected from their true self. Whether you’re facing relational, emotional, or mental challenges, our retreat provides a supportive environment for personal growth and self-discovery.  If you are ready to embrace the fullness of who you are and what you are looking for.

How does the retreat address different types of challenges and issues?

The “COMING HOME” retreat employs a multi-dimensional approach, incorporating various techniques such as life coaching, breathwork, personal & transpersonal coaching modalities, rapid resolution process work, channeling, sound, multivibrational healing, and systemic constellations work. This diverse range of modalities allows us to address a wide spectrum of challenges and issues, tailored to each participant’s specific needs.

What can I expect during the 2.5-day retreat?

During the “COMING HOME” retreat, participants can expect to engage in a variety of transformative experiences, including workshops, coaching sessions, breathwork exercises, and healing practices. Our program is designed to create a powerful and nurturing space for deep self-exploration and personal growth.

Is the retreat suitable for beginners or those new to personal development work?

The “COMING HOME” retreat is open to adult individuals at all levels of personal development. Whether you’re just beginning your journey of self-discovery or you’re already familiar with various personal growth techniques, our program is designed to meet you where you are and support you on your path towards greater self-awareness and fulfillment.

How can I ensure that the insights and transformations gained during the retreat continue to have a lasting impact in my life?

The “COMING HOME” retreat is just the beginning of your journey towards self-realization and authenticity. Our program includes integration practices and tools to help you carry forward the insights and transformations gained during the retreat into your everyday life. Additionally, ongoing support and resources are available to participants after the retreat to ensure that the positive changes continue to ripple out into all areas of their life.